Studio 58 - CBS
(Talk Show Host Tom Snyder)
Music Recording Studio
(Austin, Texas)
Restoration of Baptist Church
(San Luis Potosi, Mexico) Oldest baptist church in Mexico
Compaq Computer Corporation
(Computer displays for computer conferences and shows worldwide)
Relocation of "The Chicken Ranch"
(Base for th play- "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas)
Astroworld - Houston, Texas
(Horizon Theater, Cyclone Roller Coaster ride entrance and Season Pass Facilities)
Time Warner Corporation
(Human Resources Department in Houston, TX)
(Rural Electric Corporation)
(Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation)
U.S. Postal Department
(Refurbishing of facility - Houston District)
(Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Log Cabin Restoration
(Early 19th century Settlers Cabin, Texas Hill Country)
(Grovesnors Square - London, England)
Private Residence
(Beirut, Lebanon)
Primate Research Facility
(Holliman Air Force Base, New Mexico)
Proto-type Home
(Government of Belize, South America)
Solar Home
(Governor's Energy Council, State of Texas)